O maior guia Para Yatzy

Yatzy is one of the most popular and exciting dice games for 2 out of 4 players. When you understand the rules it is quite simple and easy to play. The game has many other names, such as Cheerio, Yot, Yam.Your first Yahtzee is worth 50 points if you score it in the Yahtzee row. If you roll an additional Yahtzee, and you've already scored your Yahtz

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A 5 segundos truque para Yatzy multiplayer online

Når du har fyldt din poängtabel med antalet terninger der matcher hver kombination, skal du tilføje alle pointene du har modtaget for hver kombination. Spilleren med flest point vinder spillet.The menus are unusable and there's no way to switch the amount of players because of this bug. I would be very happy to see a fix to this!The premise of Y

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